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Catherine Stack, ND, CNM
& More
After 9/27/23, Appointments will be virtual until further notice
Voicemail: (716) 703-0626
Email (BEST)
CLICK the Picture for more about Cathi
FULLSCRIPT is where I order all my supplements. Many of the worlds best, high quality supplement companies are found under this one platform. It is also where I communicate with my patients (that's why you need the log-in).
You do not have to be a patient to use FULLSCRIPT. Many of my favorite supplements are here for you to browse through as well as look at what I recommend for certain ailments.
I give lots of free advice on my FACEBOOK PAGE and FULLSCRIPT is where you will find the supplements.
My mission is to reach people beyond the walls of my practice and this platform helps me to do just that. If you have a specific question on any of the supplement, I am happy to help. Just email me at :
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