Catherine Stack, ND, CNM
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Free Yourself from a CONSTIPATED Life
FIVE-Star Readers' Favorite Review:
Reviewed by Joy Hannabass for Readers' Favorite
Did you know that over 63 million people suffer from chronic constipation? Are you one of those people? Well, this book is for you. It is loaded with all of the information you will ever need about your colon, constipation and all that is involved. Catherine Stack knows just what she is talking about in this book because she works with constipated people on a daily basis. And in this book, she gives readers the tools that she uses every day with her patients. Whether it be some type of treatment, remedy, supplement, or whatever the case may be, you will find it in this book, "Free Yourself From a Constipated Life."
This is not a subject that we want to talk about, but we all know it is something that we all, at some time or another, have struggled with. Catherine Stack has seen this problem so much in her many years of working in the medical field that she wants to help people suffering from constipation by writing this very valuable, informative book. She writes from her everyday experiences, and even describes in detail what she uses for her patients. You will also hear from many of her patients who have struggled with constipation, and how they are feeling today after being treated by Catherine Stack.
And as an added bonus, you will find blank pages in the back of the book for your notes, remedies, or other things you think are important enough to keep at your fingertips. This is a book that is sure to be of help to many of you now and in the future. Pick up a copy today and have it on hand just in case.
By: PattiK
A must read for anyone you love, Free Yourself From a Constipated Life teaches how to cleanse, body and soul. Beautifully written, easy to read and digest, it is as if Ms. Catherine Stack is sitting in your living room, talking you through whatever form of constipation you are suffering. It is a blueprint for living. This is not your typical metamucil, enema kind of book. This is an honest look into how we hold onto waste, and the remedies which can release us from pain, gas, bloating, and heaviness. Cathi offers solutions that truly cleanse, from nutrition guidance, to supplements, to therapies, to lifestyle changes. We do have the ability to alter our lives. Whether you suffer from physical or emotional constipation, this book can help you begin your journey to health, while you learn to live lighter, body and spirit. Gift it, embrace it, wrap yourself in it's lessons! Kudos to the author, Catherine Stack, N.D., C.N.M.
By: Jane Boyle
As a fellow colon therapist I congratulate the author Catherine Stack on sharing this work with the wider public in an easy and compassionate way. This book will be recommended to my clients, we are living in a constipated world. Thank you Catherine!
By: Rhonda Rotterman
This book is longgggggg overdue. As a health buff, personal trainer, registered nurse and healthcare administrator, I have seen the negative effects of plumbing problems. People profess to eat well and live well and never give a second thought to how their excretory system is working. Think about this logically folks, where do you think all those toxins go if they aren't leaving your system? What do you think that does to your body and it's ability to function? The average person eats 3-5 times per day, what goes in must come out; if it isn't, you need to concern yourself with why! Cathi Stack, gives it to you straight in a comprehensive, easy to understand manner. Whether old, young, thin, not-so-thin, if something is ailing you, I would STRONGLY suggest you check on your plumbing. You really could be what some may have eluded to on occasion...full of s***! Well, what are you waiting for? Order this book NOW, haven't you suffered long enough?! What do you have to lose, I'm guessing you might be shocked at the answer.
By: dawn
WOW! Someone finally gets constipation. This book saved me from unnecessary medical procedures, diagnostic tests, medications and time. The author Catherine Stack, RN, ND defines constipation as a significant problem that is overlooked in the medical community. The book changed my life for the better.
By: TeachersPet
This is a book you won't want to put down. Very light reading and very informational. After reading Cathi Stack's book, I learned lots of different ways of managing my unhealthy plumbing problems. Thank you!
By: msk
I learned a lot from reading this book. There are many suggestions on how to deal with constipation. It will definitely be a book that I read a second time.
"Cathi saved my life. My association with her took my stress level from off the charts to normal. She is truly an angel sent to me. When she arrived I tapped her for every bit of her knowledge and more. More than a colon manager, she is a lifesaver of the greatest magnitude."
—Jim McNally, Retired NFL Coach
"Cathi is genuinely concerned about the health and wellness of others and has a gift to heal what ails a body. I am so thankful that I know her and will continue to seek her guidance and healing. I am also a firm believer in fate; I was meant to meet Cathi and she was meant to "fix" me."
—Debbie McCrossan, Certified Personal Trainer (CPT) and licensed provider of the Tupler Technique
"Our readers love Cathi Stack's column in our Sunday lifestyle pages. Her topics are always cutting edge and her information thoroughly researched and easy to understand. I consider her words to be a community service to our readers."
—Michelle DeLuca, Features Editor, Niagara Gazette
"This book has a wealth of information that can have you feeling better than you ever thought you could. Cathi has provided an invaluable resource for those who are living with chronic disease or need assistance in healing. I have experienced her healing abilities personally and have seen what she has done for others. This is a gift to all who read it."
—Patricia ChapinRT(T), Certified in Nutrition and Lifestyle Oncology
"Dear Cathi, I read your book in 2 days and loved every bit of it. I have been struggling with multiple health issues including hypothyroidism, multiple food sensitivities, digestive hell, and nutritional deficiencies, just to name a few; and I have gone to multiple doctors without any relief of symptoms. My thyroid is still not regulated after being on synthroid for well over 10 years. After reading your book I am hoping that you can be my angel and lifesaver as you have done for so many clients. I am just not sure where to start. Do I do consultation first, then hormones and/or colonics? Please advise...love to hear back from you."
—Email Tesimonial
"Cathi, Thank you. I am not sure if I told you this before, but I have been praying for months to be a regular bowel mover. I was researching a book called "Free Yourself Be Yourself" on Amazon and your book came up. I believe God led me to your book and to you. Thank you so much for doing all the hard work and research about the colon. I have never ever moved my bowels 5 days in a row. I am feeling better. Thanks again."
—Angie, Email Tesimonial
"Cathi, Just finished your book cover to cover. Thanks…covers a lot of information and eventualities…Awesome that you are helping so many folks who need help and hope! Here is what I would very much like to do if you are amenable. This is probably not what you intended when you wrote this book but I am asking for your indulgence. I will send a Federal Express a check so you can do a phone consultation with my daughter. After you have a brief understanding of what she has dealing with which will no doubt resonate, she can perhaps benefit from your expertise and have a new direction and hope.I would also ask that you assist us in finding a “good” hydro therapist. I am concerned about finding an adequate hydro therapist…looked up locally but some seem sketchy. I made a list. I can email…there are not many…only 3 or 4 in driving distance. The Cape Aloe is on its way but she has tried a litany of laxatives…she is open especially if it’s not a drug. If not we would take a trip to see you in person. She has been to so many doctors, so many tests and no results. After reading your book I know you understand but seeing her quality of life deteriorate (after almost 2years) is heartbreaking. Thank you."
—Paul, Email Tesimonial